Dear customer, hello!

Before using the services on this platform, please carefully read the content of this statement. If you have no objections to this statement, you can continue to use the services on this platform; If you have any objections, please call our customer service hotline for consultation or email your objections to our customer service email. If you do not express any objections, your use of the services of this platform (regardless of whether the service is charged or not) through any means or means will be considered as recognition of this statement.

1、 The platform shall not be responsible for any consequences caused by customers violating laws and regulations or the platform registration agreement.

2、 The platform shall bear the corresponding consequences caused by the actions taken according to the customer's requirements, and this platform shall not be responsible.

3、 This platform shall not be responsible for the consequences caused by the comments or actions of third parties.

4、 Any losses caused by customers' operational errors shall be borne by the customers themselves, and this platform shall not be responsible.

5、 If there are errors or omissions in the information that should be obtained through public channels, resulting in issues with the platform's data, this platform does not assume responsibility.

6、 Due to the limitations of existing technology, the information collected by the platform may be outdated or incomplete. The platform does not assume responsibility for this. However, customers who discover problems are welcome to report to the platform. The platform will promptly correct the information after confirming its authenticity.

7、 The data stored by customers on the platform should be backed up by themselves. During the backend maintenance period of the platform, if the data is lost due to reasons such as customers not backing up in a timely manner, the platform will not be responsible.

8、 In the event of network hackers attacking the platform and stealing customer information, the platform promises to promptly arrange technical personnel to handle and rescue customer information. However, the platform shall not be responsible for any losses caused by hackers stealing customer information.

The final interpretation right of this statement belongs to Website ownership